Use Aggregated Intensities for Duplicate Quantitative Elements

EPMA Xtreme Probe

Use Aggregated Intensities for Duplicate Quantitative Elements

If this option is checked and the samples contain duplicate elements (same element and x-ray line) for standards or unknown quantitative samples, then the program will sum the on and off peak intensities for the duplicated elements to the first instance of the duplicated element and set the duplicated element intensities to zero.


Normally this is utilized when extreme trace element analyses are required for very low concentration elements and there is a need for improving the statistics by aggregating the intensities from several spectrometers acquiring at the same time.


CAUTION: It is important realize that measuring the same element more than once is a non-physical situation so far as regards the matrix correction. Obviously if one measures a major element on multiple spectrometers the resulting excessively high totals will make it clear that this analytical situation cannot be handled properly in the matrix correction.


In the case where a major or even minor element is measured as a duplicate element the onus is on the user to ensure that the matrix correction is properly calculated either by using the Aggregate Intensity option or by using the Disable Quant feature in the Elements/Cations dialog to have the element appear only once in the matrix correction.


However, even in the case for duplicate trace elements, one must consider this effect also. Note for the unknown sample matrix, even though the change in the sample matrix correction is small, for the standard k-factor calculation a significant error can be introduced. Consider the following examples of measuring Ti on two spectrometers in a blank Quartz standard, where the Ti concentration is essentially zero.


In this calculation the program calculates the matrix correction for the quartz standard run as an unknown and the matrix correction of the sample is properly calculated as SiO2. However, the standard k-factor for Ti in TiO2 should be 0.5547 at 15 keV, but is calculated as 0.5707 because the matrix is assumed to be Ti2O2.


Note that the program warns the user of the accuracy problem for duplicate elements in this first example of Ti as a duplicate element.


Un    2 std 14 SiO2

TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0  Beam Current = 200.  Beam Size =   20

(Magnification (analytical) =   8000),        Beam Mode = Analog  Spot

(Magnification (default) =      600, Magnification (imaging) =    100)

Number of Data Lines:   5             Number of 'Good' Data Lines:   5

First/Last Date-Time: 02/26/2007 01:35:59 PM to 02/26/2007 03:03:33 PM

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for al ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Alternating On and Off Peak Acquisition


Average Total Oxygen:       53.256     Average Total Weight%:  100.000

Average Calculated Oxygen:  53.256     Average Atomic Number:   10.805

Average Excess Oxygen:        .000     Average Atomic Weight:   20.029

Average ZAF Iteration:        1.00     Average Quant Iterate:     2.00


Oxygen Calculated by Cation Stoichiometry and Included in the Matrix Correction

Element Si is Calculated by Difference from 100%

WARNING- Duplicate analyzed elements are present in the sample matrix!!

Use Aggregate Intensity option or Disable Quant feature for accurate matrix correction.


Results in Elemental Weight Percents


SPEC:       Si       O



AVER:   46.740  53.256

SDEV:     .004    .002


ELEM:       Ti      Fe      Al      Ti       K

BGDS:      EXP     LIN     EXP     EXP     LIN

TIME:   600.00  600.00  600.00  600.00  599.92


ELEM:       Ti      Fe      Al      Ti       K   SUM 

XRAY:     (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)

   110    .000    .002    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   111    .000    .001    .000    .001    .000 100.000

   112    .000    .002    .005    .000    .006 100.000

   113    .000    .001    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   114    .000    .001    .000    .001    .001 100.000


AVER:     .000    .001    .001    .000    .002 100.000

SDEV:     .000    .000    .002    .000    .003

SERR:     .000    .000    .001    .000    .001

%RSD:    223.4    34.3   223.6    82.6   163.1

STDS:       22     395     374      22     374


STKF:    .5707   .6779   .0701   .5707   .1132  < k-factor for TiO2 is wrong

STCT:  28957.5 14598.6  3841.1 10912.1  2424.3


UNKF:    .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000

UNCT:      -.2      .2      .3      .1      .3

UNBG:     56.2    20.6    32.9    19.7    11.5


ZCOR:   1.2024  1.2061  1.2286  1.2024  1.1696  < matrix correction is correct

KRAW:    .0000   .0000   .0001   .0000   .0001

PKBG:     1.00    1.01    1.01    1.00    1.03


In the next example the aggregate intensity option (Analytical | Analysis Options menu) is turned on and the standard k-factor for the TiO2 standard is properly calculated because the x-ray counts from the two Ti channels are combined into a single channel.


Note that beam current and count time are averaged for the duplicate elements, since the calculation assumes that the aggregate intensity is simply increasing the geometric efficiency of the instrument. So two channels of Ti integrated at 600 seconds each is still displayed as at 600 seconds, but the total peak and off-peak counts are aggregated together to reflect the increased geometric efficiency.


Un    2 std 14 SiO2

TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0  Beam Current = 200.  Beam Size =   20

(Magnification (analytical) =   8000),        Beam Mode = Analog  Spot

(Magnification (default) =      600, Magnification (imaging) =    100)

Number of Data Lines:   5             Number of 'Good' Data Lines:   5

First/Last Date-Time: 02/26/2007 01:35:59 PM to 02/26/2007 03:03:33 PM

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for al ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Alternating On and Off Peak Acquisition

WARNING- Using Aggregate Intensities for Duplicate Elements


Average Total Oxygen:       53.256     Average Total Weight%:  100.000

Average Calculated Oxygen:  53.256     Average Atomic Number:   10.805

Average Excess Oxygen:        .000     Average Atomic Weight:   20.029

Average ZAF Iteration:        1.00     Average Quant Iterate:     2.00


Oxygen Calculated by Cation Stoichiometry and Included in the Matrix Correction

Element Si is Calculated by Difference from 100%


Results in Elemental Weight Percents


SPEC:       Si       O



AVER:   46.740  53.256

SDEV:     .004    .002


ELEM:       Ti      Fe      Al      Ti       K

BGDS:      EXP     LIN     EXP     EXP     LIN

TIME:   600.00  600.00  600.00     .00  599.92


ELEM:       Ti      Fe      Al      Ti       K   SUM 

XRAY:     (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)

   110    .000    .002    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   111    .000    .001    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   112    .000    .002    .005    .000    .006 100.000

   113    .000    .001    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   114    .000    .001    .000    .000    .001 100.000


AVER:     .000    .001    .001    .000    .002 100.000

SDEV:     .000    .000    .002    .000    .003

SERR:     .000    .000    .001    .000    .001

%RSD:    213.9    34.3   223.6      .0   163.1

STDS:       22     395     374      22     374


STKF:    .5547   .6779   .0701   .0000   .1132  < k-factor for TiO2 is correct

STCT:  39869.6 14598.6  3841.1      .0  2424.3


UNKF:    .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000

UNCT:      -.2      .2      .3      .0      .3

UNBG:     75.9    20.6    32.9      .0    11.5


ZCOR:   1.2024  1.2061  1.2286  1.0000  1.1696  < matrix correction is correct

KRAW:    .0000   .0000   .0001   .0000   .0001

PKBG:     1.00    1.01    1.01     .00    1.03


In this last example the standard k-factor is properly calculated because the second Ti channel is disabled for quantification using the Disable Quant feature in the Elements/Cations dialog. Note that the first Ti channel could be disabled and the second Ti channel enabled to compare the two spectrometers. The duplicate element warning can be ignored in these cases.


Un    2 std 14 SiO2

TakeOff = 40.0  KiloVolt = 15.0  Beam Current = 200.  Beam Size =   20

(Magnification (analytical) =   8000),        Beam Mode = Analog  Spot

(Magnification (default) =      600, Magnification (imaging) =    100)

Number of Data Lines:   5             Number of 'Good' Data Lines:   5

First/Last Date-Time: 02/26/2007 01:35:59 PM to 02/26/2007 03:03:33 PM

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for al ka

WARNING- Using Exponential Off-Peak correction for ti ka

WARNING- Using Alternating On and Off Peak Acquisition

WARNING- Quantitation is Disabled For ti ka


Average Total Oxygen:       53.256     Average Total Weight%:  100.000

Average Calculated Oxygen:  53.256     Average Atomic Number:   10.805

Average Excess Oxygen:        .000     Average Atomic Weight:   20.029

Average ZAF Iteration:        1.00     Average Quant Iterate:     2.00


Oxygen Calculated by Cation Stoichiometry and Included in the Matrix Correction

Element Si is Calculated by Difference from 100%

WARNING- Duplicate analyzed elements are present in the sample matrix!!

Use Aggregate Intensity option or Disable Quant feature for accurate matrix correction.


Results in Elemental Weight Percents


SPEC:       Si       O



AVER:   46.740  53.256

SDEV:     .004    .002


ELEM:       Ti      Fe      Al      Ti       K

BGDS:      EXP     LIN     EXP     EXP     LIN

TIME:   600.00  600.00  600.00  600.00  599.92


ELEM:     Ti-D      Fe      Al      Ti       K   SUM 

XRAY:     (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)    (ka)

   110    .000    .002    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   111    .000    .001    .000    .001    .000 100.000

   112    .000    .002    .005    .000    .006 100.000

   113    .000    .001    .000    .000    .000 100.000

   114    .000    .001    .000    .001    .001 100.000


AVER:     .000    .001    .001    .000    .002 100.000

SDEV:     .000    .000    .002    .000    .003

SERR:     .000    .000    .001    .000    .001

%RSD:       .0    34.3   223.6    82.6   163.1

STDS:       22     395     374      22     374


STKF:    .0000   .6779   .0701   .5547   .1132  < k-factor for TiO2 is correct

STCT:  28957.5 14598.6  3841.1 10912.1  2424.3


UNKF:    .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000   .0000

UNCT:       .0      .2      .3      .1      .3

UNBG:       .0    20.6    32.9    19.7    11.5


ZCOR:   1.0000  1.2061  1.2286  1.2024  1.1696  < matrix correction is correct

KRAW:    .0000   .0000   .0001   .0000   .0001

PKBG:      .00    1.01    1.01    1.00    1.03