SURFER Instructions

EPMA Xtreme Probe

SURFER Instructions

Probe for EPMA can create a .BAS basic script file containing OLE code for creating contour and  surface plots, or just screen display for testing purposes. This .BAS basic file is only to be used with the GS Scripter utility that comes with SURFER v. 6.0 or higher.


To run the .BAS script, double click the GS Scripter icon, select File, Open and double click the correct .BAS file. Then click Run, Start to begin the automated plotting.


IMPORTANT! Note that the default output mode of the script file is "TEST", which will only output the plots to the screen and will produce a log of the plotting operations. To produce output to the default printer, comment out the line : OutputType$ = "TEST" by inserting a single quote in front of the line like this : 'OutputType$ = "TEST", and UNcomment the line : OutputType$ = "SURF" by removing the single quote in front of it.


Remember, the last uncommented "OutputType$" line will select the output. If necessary, the "GridMethodType%" can also be changed in the same fashion to change the gridding method used by the grid module. Note also, that any element column plot can be skipped by simply commenting out the appropriate "ZLabel$" lines, by inserting a single quote in front of the line.