Error Messages
Several problems can occur when performing analyses of quantitative samples. If data for a standard is missing, the program will print "No count data for standard __ for __". This means that either that the standard was not acquired at all or that the standard assignments were changed to a channel that was not acquired due to a "quick" standardization. Simply acquire data for the specified element on the specified standard or re-assign the standard to correct the problem.
If the message "No count data for interference standard __ for __" is seen, a similar problem exists. Note that standards used in the interference corrections should not be run as "quick" standards to avoid this problem. If the warning message persists, you may be assigning an interference correction where none exists. Check your wavelength tables to be sure. If you find no interference, then remove the interference correction for the element. Remember, interferences are quite dependent on spectrometer resolution (slit width) and PHA settings (for higher order lines) and so the magnitude or presence of the interference may change from run to run.