Open CalcZAF Input Data File

EPMA Xtreme Probe


CalcZAF Menu Details > File

Open CalcZAF Input Data File

The Open menu allows the user to select an existing CalcZAF data file to process previously entered data. All CalcZAF input data files have an extension .DAT and must conform to the specific format described below. Do not confuse .DAT files for other applications with CalcZAF data files. If necessary inspect the input file with a text editor to determine if it actually conforms to the CalcZAF input format.


The structure is shown below in pseudo-code (all values separated by commas):


' Read calculation mode (0, 1, 2, or 3), number of elements, kilovolts and takeoff, (optional sample name and stage coordinates)

Input #3, CalcMode%, LastChan%, Kilovolts!, Takeoff!, SampleName$, Xpos!, Ypos!, Zpos!


' Read oxide/elemental mode, difference, stoichiometry, relative

Input #3, OxideOrElemental%, DifferenceElement$, StoichiometryElement$, StoichiometryRatio!, RelativeElement$, RelativeToElement$, RelativeRatio!


' Loop on each element

For i% = 1 To LastChan%

Input #3, Elsyms$(i%), Xrsyms$(i%), NumCat%(i%), NumOxd%(i%), StdAssigns%(i%), ElmPercents!(i%), UnkCounts!(i%), StdCounts!(i%)

next i%



CalcMode% = 0 for calculation of k-ratios from concentrations

CalcMode% = 1 for calculation of concentrations from unknown and standard intensities

CalcMode% = 2 for calculation of concentrations from "raw" k-ratios (no standard intensities necessary)

CalcMode% = 3 for calculation of concentrations from "normalized" k-ratios (no standards necessary)



OxideorElemental%=1 calculate oxide output based on stoichiometry

OxideorElemental%=2 calculate as elemental output (default)


Note: all strings (element symbols, etc.) must be in double quotes, elements not analyzed (specified concentrations or calculated) are indicated by a blank (empty double quotes) x-ray line string. If the element is a specified concentration, be sure to give the concentration in elemental weight percent for the "ElmPercents!(I%)" parameter and leave the count intensity fields zero.


Some sample CalcZAF input files are supplied, e.g., CALCZAF.DAT and CALCBIN.DAT.