Save Custom Analysis Format #4 (J.J.D.)
This menu (J.J.D. format) will create an output file of standard or unknown average weight, oxide and atomic percents along with average detection and analytical sensitivity for each data point. The user can select averages only, standard deviations only, or averages and standard deviations ( +/- output.
SAMPLE Sample number and name (in double quotes)
El AT% Atomic percent
El WT% Elemental weight percent
Ox WT% Oxide weight percent
TOTAL Total weight percent
El CDL60 Elemental t-test detection limit (60 percent confidence)
El CDL80 Elemental t-test detection limit (80 percent confidence)
El CDL90 Elemental t-test detection limit (90 percent confidence)
El CDL95 Elemental t-test detection limit (95 percent confidence)
El CDL99 Elemental t-test detection limit (99 percent confidence)
El CAS60 Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (60% CI for major elements)
El CAS80 Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (80% CI for major elements)
El CAS90 Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (90% CI for major elements)
El CAS95 Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (95% CI for major elements)
El CAS99 Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (99% CI for major elements)
This menu is useful for creating tables for publication. Note that values output as +/- will be interpreted by most programs as a string rather than a numerical value.