Save Wavescan Centroids
This menu will calculate the peak centroid for all elements in all wavescan samples using the parabolic, maxima and Gaussian fit routines and output them to files based on the wavescan sample name. Consecutive wavescan samples that have the same name will be output to the same file.
The parabolic, maxima and Gaussian threshold levels in the PROBEWIN.INI file (as displayed in the Peaking dialog) will be used for the fitting routines. The column labels are documented as follows:
STG XPOS Stage x-axis position
STG YPOS Stage y-axis position
STG ZPOS Stage z-axis position
<element> PARABOLIC SP<spectrometer> Parabolic centroid for element and spectrometer
<element> MAXIMA SP<spectrometer> Maxima centroid for element and spectrometer
<element> GAUSSIAN SP<spectrometer> Gaussian centroid for element and spectrometer
SAMPLE Sample name in double quotes