
EPMA Xtreme Probe


Probe Window Details > Analyze!


Click this button after performing a quantitative analysis and the raw k-ratios will be displayed in the Analyze! grid. This button is disabled until an analysis is performed.


The raw k-ratio is defined as the unknown count rate divided by the standard count rate. The calculation uses background corrected count rates.


Note that Probe for EPMA also corrects the raw k-ratios for MAN backgrounds, on-peak interferences, APF (Area Peak factors) and Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) element corrections. This provides very useful information for importing into other recalculation programs (film thin analysis software for example). There is also a special output option in the Output menu for raw k-ratio export to an ASCII file format. This format can be imported by STRATAGem thin film processing software.


Use the Copy buttons to copy this data as tab delimited data to the Windows Clipboard for pasting into another application.


Example of K-Raw Output