EPMA Xtreme Probe


Installation > Configuration Files


The data file used to define motor parameters. The motor array size (the number of data values on each line) is defined as the sum of the "NumberOfTunableSpecs" and the "NumberOfStageMotors" as specified in the PROBEWIN.INI file.  Note that a comment string enclosed in double quotes, MUST be present at the end of each line. Several unused parameter lines are at the end of the file for future expansion. Note that the tunable spectrometer motors must be listed first on each line, followed by the stage motors.


     "SP1"   "SP2"   "SP3"    "SP4"    "SP5"       "X"       "Y"       "Z"    "motor labels"

    60.4     82.4     60.4     60.4     60.4       1.5       1.8      9.0     "low limit spect/stage motors"

   254.0    254.0    254.0    254.0    254.0      99.2      99.2      12.9    "high limit spect/stage motors hilim"

742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 27593.425 27593.425 27593.425    "unit to steps conversion"

 .014381  .014381  .014381  .014381  .014381    1000.0    1000.0    1000.0    "unit to LiF200 angstrom or micron conversion"

       5        5        5        5        5        20        20        20    "completion step tolerance for motors"

   -400.    -400.    -400.    -400.    -400.     -400.     -400.     -400.    "backlash size, (hilimit - lolimit)/backlash size"

     200      200      200      200      200       200       200       200    "derivative gain"

     750      750      750      750      750       700       700       700    "integral gain"

     700      700      700      700      700       700       700       700    "integration limit"

    2000     2000     2000     2000     2000      2000      2000      2000    "following error"

      20       20       20       20       20       300       300       300    "acceleration"

  200000   200000   200000   200000   200000    400000    400000    400000    "velocity"

     600      600      600      600      600       700       700       700    "gain"

      11       11       11       11       11        11        11        11    "hard limit mode (low xor high xor smooth)"

     1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0      1.0       1.0       1.0       1.0    "joystick sensitivity"

     1.4      1.4      1.4      1.4      1.4       1.4       1.4       1.4    "joystick acceleration"

    .002     .002     .002     .002     .002      .002      .002      .002    "backlash tolerance"

   180.0    180.0    180.0    180.0    180.0        12        12        10    "park positions"

  500000   500000   500000   500000   500000    400000    400000     40000    "JEOL velocities"

   50000    50000    50000    50000    50000     -5000     -5000      5000    "Jeol Backlash"

       0        0        0        0        0         0         0         0    "SX100 velocities"

       0        0        0        0        0         0         0         0    "SX100 minimum speeds"

       0        0        0        0        0         0         0         0    "unused"


Line 1             (spectrometer and stage motor labels)

     "1"       "2"       "3"       "4"       "X"       "Y"       "Z"   "motor labels"

The motor labels are used to load several dialog controls to allow the user to select a specific motor axis for a specified operation. The motor labels must be enclosed in double quotes.


Line 2             (motor low limits)

    60.4     82.4     60.4     60.4     60.4       1.5       1.8      9.0     "low limit spect/stage motors"

The motor low limit positions are used to define a software low limit before the electrical limit switch position has been reached. This is to prevent the user from accidentally moving to a position outside the normal range of motion. The motor low limits are defined in spectrometer and stage units.


Line 3             (motor high limits)

   254.0    254.0    254.0    254.0    254.0      99.2      99.2      12.9    "high limit spect/stage motors hilim"

The motor high limit positions are used to define a software high limit before the electrical limit switch position has been reached. This is to prevent the user from accidentally moving to a position outside the normal range of motion. The motor high limits are defined in spectrometer and stage units. The motor high limits must be greater than the motor low limits.


Line 4             (not used at this time)

742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 742.8646 27593.425 27593.425 27593.425    "unit to steps conversion"


Line 5             (spectrometer and stage units to angstrom or micron conversion factors)

.014381  .014381  .014381  .014381  .014381    1000.0    1000.0    1000.0    "unit to LiF200 angstrom or micron conversion"

These parameters define the conversion factor for converting from spectrometer units to angstroms (assuming an LiF crystal present) or stage units to microns. The conversion factors must not be equal to zero.

Note that although almost any spectrometer units may be used (sin theta, L-units, Bragg angle, etc.) , the spectrometer units chosen by the user MUST be directly proportional to angstrom units. For this reason, the program cannot utilize energy units (for example keV) since these units are inversely proportional to angstrom units.








4.0267 E-5



The spectrometer conversion factors are used to convert spectrometer position to angstroms for wavescan plotting. Note that the 100 mm Rowland circle JEOL spectrometer makes internal adjustments so that it reads out in 140 mm L-units, so use the same conversion factor as the JEOL 140 mm Rowland circle spectrometer (if this was *not* the case, the JEOL 100 mm Rowland circle would need a conversion factor of 0.0201335). The Cameca spectrometers (160 mm and 180 mm) read directly in sin theta units so they use the same readout also.


The stage motor conversion factors are used to calculate stage coordinates in microns. This allows the program to calculate output of traverse data in relative microns (accumulated number of microns between each data point). For example if the stage is read in mm units, the stage units to micron conversion factor will be 1000.


Note that some interfaces where the Rowland circle are variable, the conversion factor is calculated on the fly and this parameter is therefore only "nominal".


Some other helpful expressions :