Assign EDS Spectrum Elements

EPMA Xtreme Probe

Assign EDS Spectrum Elements

If EDS spectra were acquired during the sample acquisition, then the program will allow the user to specify elements and x-ray lines to be analyzed for each sample and also to assign primary standards for quantification. Probe for EPMA will apply the full quantitative correction to EDS spectrum net intensities as the WDS intensities (with the exception of deadtime and background continuum corrections). For example, beam drift, standard drift, interferences, etc.


Note that standards for the EDS elements must be acquired in the same manner, using the same analytical conditions (operating voltage) or column conditions as the unknown samples. This merely means that EDS spectrum data must be acquired for any standard that might be required for the assigned standards, just like WDS elements. The simplest way to ensure this is to leave the EDS spectrum acquisition flag on all the time.


This dialog also allows the EDS spectra to be displayed (for each data point in the sample) and also output the spectrum and acquisition parameters) to the file format that the EDS spectrum data was acquired in (Edax, Thermo, Bruker, Oxford, etc.).


Lispix Output

A new capability is the output of Lispix format spectrum  image data files including the .RPL parameter file. Because Lispix expects the data in a rectangular array, be sure that samples selected for Lispix output correspond to EDS data acquired from a rectangular array of gridded points. Because the user will need to specify the X and Y grid array coordinate dimensions it will be necessary for the number of data rows and columns be noted, for example in the sample name or description fields, and be sure that the “Stagger The Grid Points”, option was NOT used for the digitization of the stage coordinates.