Save Trace Element Statistics

EPMA Xtreme Probe


Probe Menu Details > Output

Save Trace Element Statistics

This menu will export statistical data especially useful for trace element analyses. Only a single line is output for each sample. The format is as follows:


SAMPLE            Sample name (in double quotes)

TOTAL             Total weight percent (average for sample)

ONTIM             Actual on peak count time (average for element)

HITIM             Actual high off peak count time (average for element)

LOTIM             Actual low off peak count time (average for element)

DETIM             Deadtime in micro-seconds

BEAMCUR           Faraday or beam current reading in nano-amps (average)

El AVG WT%        Elemental weight percent averages

El SDEV           Elemental weight percent standard deviations

El SERR           Elemental weight percent standard errors

El RELDEV         Elemental relative deviations (stddev / average)

El MIN            Elemental weight percent minimums

El MAX            Elemental weight percent maximums

El CDL99 (Pred.)  Elemental weight percent detection limits (3 sigma prediction)

El CDL99          Elemental weight percent detection limits (average 3 sigma)

El CDL99 (PPM)    Elemental PPM detection limits (average 3 sigma)

El %ERR           Elemental analytical error in relative percent (one sigma)

El CDL(60ci)      Elemental t-test detection limit (60 percent confidence)

El CDL(80ci)      Elemental t-test detection limit (80 percent confidence)

El CDL(90ci)      Elemental t-test detection limit (90 percent confidence)

El CDL(95ci)      Elemental t-test detection limit (95 percent confidence)

El CDL(99ci)      Elemental t-test detection limit (99 percent confidence)

El SEN(60ci)      Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (for major elements)

El SEN(80ci)      Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (for major elements)

El SEN(90ci)      Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (for major elements)

El SEN(95ci)      Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (for major elements)

El SEN(99ci)      Elemental t-test analytical sensitivity (for major elements)


The expression used for the predicted detection limits utilizes both the statistics from the peak and background:



where:               is the intensity of the background in cps/nA (divide the unknown counts by beam current)

               is the count time used for the unknown background or peak measurement (must be equal)

               is the beam current used for the unknown measurement in nA

               is the concentration of the element in the standard in weight percent (wt. %)

               is the intensity of the standard in cps/nA (divide the standard intensity by standard beam current)

              is the unknown concentration in weight percent (wt. %)