Save Hanchar-Montel Geochron Calculations
This menu will output Pb, Th and U concentrations (in PPM), Rel% Error (in percent) and Detection Limits (in PPM) for use with John Hanchar’s monazite calculation spreadsheet. The format is as follows:
SAMPLE Sample name (in double quotes)
LINE Line number
El Conc Pb Elemental weight percent Pb (in PPM)
Rel% Err Pb Relative analytical error Pb (in percent)
CDL Pb Elemental detection limit Pb (in PPM)
El Conc Th Elemental weight percent Th (in PPM)
Rel% Err Th Relative analytical error Th (in percent)
CDL Th Elemental detection limit TH (in PPM)
El Conc U Elemental weight percent U (in PPM)
Rel% Err U Relative analytical error U (in percent)
CDL Pb Elemental detection limit U (in PPM)
TOTAL Total weight percent
DAT/TIM Acquisition date and time in system defined format
X-POS X stage position
Y-POS Y stage position
Z-POS Z stage position
RELDIST Relative distance (in microns)
BEAMCUR Beam or probe current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)
ABSBCUR Sample or absorbed current (in nA)
El ONTIM Pb On-peak counting time
El HITIM Pb High off-peak counting time
El LOTIM Pb Low off-peak counting time
El ONTIM Th On-peak counting time
El HITIM Th High off-peak counting time
El LOTIM Th Low off-peak counting time
El ONTIM U On-peak counting time
El HITIM U High off-peak counting time
El LOTIM U Low off-peak counting time
Note that the total number of lines output will be stored before the first line data output. Samples that do not contain all three elements will be skipped and a warning will be logged to the log window.