Save Custom Analysis Format #8 (MAN)
This output format (MAN or mean Atomic Number format) will allow the user to output the on-peak (not background corrected) intensities for the acquired standards and their "ideal" average atomic numbers from the STANDARD.MDB file. The ZAF factors are also output to the file along with the absorption corrected intensities. All points or just the averages may be output to the file.
The file format is as shown below:
LINE Data file line number
SNUM Sample number (standard number)
SNAM Sample name (standard name)
ZBAR Sample average atomic number
RAWCNT Raw count intensity
CORCNT Corrected count intensity (absorption corrected)
ZEDCOR Atomic number correction factor
ABSCOR Absorption correction factor
FLUCOR Fluorescence correction factor
ZAFCOR Total ZAF correction factor
ONTIM On-peak (MAN) counting time
BEAM Beam current in nA
BEAMCUR Beam current (combined condition samples)
This format is intended for use by those wishing to create their own MAN plots of atomic number versus background intensities.