CinemachineTransposer Class


CinemachineTransposer Class

This is a CinemachineComponent in the Body section of the component pipeline. Its job is to position the camera in a fixed relationship to the vcam's Follow target object, with offsets and damping. The Tansposer will only change the camera's position in space. It will not re-orient or otherwise aim the camera. To to that, you need to instruct the vcam in the Aim section of its pipeline.
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject  Object

Namespace:  Cinemachine
Assembly:  Cinemachine (in Cinemachine.dll) Version: (
[DocumentationSortingAttribute(5f, DocumentationSortingAttributeLevel.UserRef)]
public class CinemachineTransposer : CinemachineComponentBase
Cinemachine.CinemachineTransposer = function();


The CinemachineTransposer type exposes the following members.

Public methodCinemachineTransposer
Protected propertyAngularDamping
Damping speeds for each of the 3 axes of the target's rotation
Protected propertyDamping
Damping speeds for each of the 3 axes of the offset from target
Protected propertyEffectiveOffset
Get the target offset, with sanitization
Public propertyFollowTarget
Returns the owner vcam's Follow target.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyIsValid
True if component is enabled and has a valid Follow target
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseIsValid.)
Public propertyLookAtTarget
Returns the owner vcam's LookAt target.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyStage
Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements. Always returns the Body stage
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseStage.)
Public propertyVcamState
Returns the owner vcam's CameraState.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyVirtualCamera
Get the associated CinemachineVirtualCameraBase
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public methodGeTargetCameraPosition
Internal API for the Inspector Editor, so it can draw a marker at the target
Public methodGetReferenceOrientation
Internal API for the Inspector Editor, so it can draw a marker at the target
Protected methodInitPrevFrameStateInfo
Initializes the state for previous frame if appropriate.
Public methodMutateCameraState
Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules.
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseMutateCameraState(CameraState, Single).)
Public methodOnPositionDragged
API for the editor, to process a position drag from the user. This implementation adds the delta to the follow offset.
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseOnPositionDragged(Vector3).)
Protected methodOnValidate
Protected methodTrackTarget
Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules.
Public fieldm_BindingMode
The coordinate space to use when interpreting the offset from the target
Public fieldm_FollowOffset
The distance which the transposer will attempt to maintain from the transposer subject
Public fieldm_PitchDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's X angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_RollDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Z angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_XDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the X-axis. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
Public fieldm_YawDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Y angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_YDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Y-axis. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
Public fieldm_ZDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the Z-axis. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's z-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
See Also