CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin Properties


CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin Properties

The CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFollowTarget
Returns the owner vcam's Follow target.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyIsValid
True if the component is valid, i.e. it has a noise definition and is enabled.
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseIsValid.)
Public propertyLookAtTarget
Returns the owner vcam's LookAt target.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyStage
Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements. Always returns the Noise stage
(Overrides CinemachineComponentBaseStage.)
Public propertyVcamState
Returns the owner vcam's CameraState.
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
Public propertyVirtualCamera
Get the associated CinemachineVirtualCameraBase
(Inherited from CinemachineComponentBase.)
See Also