CinemachineTrackedDolly Fields


CinemachineTrackedDolly Fields

The CinemachineTrackedDolly type exposes the following members.

Public fieldm_AutoDolly
Controls how automatic dollying occurs
Public fieldm_CameraUp
How to set the virtual camera's Up vector. This will affect the screen composition.
Public fieldm_Path
The path to which the camera will be constrained. This must be non-null.
Public fieldm_PathOffset
Where to put the camera realtive to the path postion. X is perpendicular to the path, Y is up, and Z is parallel to the path.
Public fieldm_PathPosition
The position along the path at which the camera will be placed. This can be animated directly, or set automatically by the Auto-Dolly feature to get as close as possible to the Follow target.
Public fieldm_PitchDamping
"How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's X angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_PositionUnits
How to interpret the Path Position
Public fieldm_RollDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Z angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_XDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset perpendicular to the path. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's x-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
Public fieldm_YawDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to track the target rotation's Y angle. Small numbers are more responsive. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera.
Public fieldm_YDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset in the path-local up direction. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's y-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
Public fieldm_ZDamping
How aggressively the camera tries to maintain the offset parallel to the path. Small numbers are more responsive, rapidly translating the camera to keep the target's z-axis offset. Larger numbers give a more heavy slowly responding camera. Using different settings per axis can yield a wide range of camera behaviors
See Also