CinemachineOrbitalTransposer.Heading.m_HeadingBias Field


CinemachineOrbitalTransposerHeadingm_HeadingBias Field

Additional Y rotation applied to the target heading. When this value is 0, the camera will be placed behind the target

Namespace:  Cinemachine
Assembly:  Cinemachine (in Cinemachine.dll) Version: (
[RangeAttribute(-180f, 180f)]
[TooltipAttribute("Where the camera is placed when the X-axis value is zero.  This is a rotation in degrees around the Y axis.  When this value is 0, the camera will be placed behind the target.  Nonzero offsets will rotate the zero position around the target.")]
public float m_HeadingBias
var m_HeadingBias

Field Value

Type: Single
See Also