CinemachineCollider Fields


CinemachineCollider Fields

The CinemachineCollider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldm_AvoidObstacles
When enabled, will attempt to resolve situations where the line of sight to the target is blocked by an obstacle
Public fieldm_CameraRadius
Camera will try to maintain this distance from any obstacle. Increase this value if you are seeing inside obstacles due to a large FOV on the camera.
Public fieldm_CollideAgainst
The Unity layer mask against which the collider will raycast.
Public fieldm_Damping
The gradualness of collision resolution. Higher numbers will move the camera more gradually away from obstructions.
Public fieldm_DistanceLimit
The raycast distance to test for when checking if the line of sight to this camera's target is clear.
Public fieldm_MaximumEffort
Upper limit on how many obstacle hits to process. Higher numbers may impact performance. In most environments, 4 is enough.
Public fieldm_MinimumDistanceFromTarget
Obstacles closer to the target than this will not be seen
Public fieldm_OptimalTargetDistance
If greater than zero, a higher score will be given to shots when the target is closer to this distance. Set this to zero to disable this feature
Public fieldm_Strategy
The way in which the Collider will attempt to preserve sight of the target.
See Also