ICinemachineCamera Methods


ICinemachineCamera Methods

The ICinemachineCamera type exposes the following members.

Public methodIsLiveChild
Check whether the vcam is a live child of this camera.
Public methodOnTransitionFromCamera
Notification that a new camera is being activated. This is sent to the currently active camera. Both may be active simultaneously for a while, if blending.
Public methodPreUpdateChildCameras
This is called prior to the updating of the vcam's child cameras, in order to allow the parent to prepare its children. If the children are updating on FixedUpdate, then this will not necessarily be called prior to every FixedUpdate, but it might be called on LateUpdate instead.
Public methodUpdateCameraState
Updates this Cinemachine Camera. For an active camera this should be called once and only once each frame. To guarantee this, you should never call this method directly. Always use CinemachineCore.UpdateVirtualCamera(ICinemachineCamera, float), which has protection against multiple calls per frame.
See Also