CinemachineVirtualCameraBase Properties


CinemachineVirtualCameraBase Properties

The CinemachineVirtualCameraBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDescription
Gets a brief debug description of this virtual camera, for use when displayiong debug info
Public propertyFollow
Get the Follow target for the Body component in the CinemachinePipeline.
Public propertyLiveChildOrSelf
Just returns self.
Public propertyLookAt
Get the LookAt target for the Aim component in the CinemachinePipeline.
Public propertyName
Get the name of the Virtual Camera. Base implementation returns the owner GameObject's name.
Public propertyParentCamera
Support for meta-virtual-cameras. This is the situation where a virtual camera is in fact the public face of a private army of virtual cameras, which it manages on its own. This method gets the VirtualCamera owner, if any. Private armies are implemented as Transform children of the parent vcam.
Public propertyPreviousStateIsValid
Set this to force the next update to ignore deltaTime and reset itself
Public propertyPriority
Get the Priority of the virtual camera. This determines its placement in the CinemachineCore's queue of eligible shots.
Public propertyState
The CameraState object holds all of the information necessary to position the Unity camera. It is the output of this class.
Public propertyValidatingStreamVersion
Version that was last streamed, for upgrading legacy
Public propertyVirtualCameraGameObject
The GameObject owner of the Virtual Camera behaviour.
See Also