CinemachineBrain Fields


CinemachineBrain Fields

The CinemachineBrain type exposes the following members.

Public fieldm_CameraActivatedEvent
This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live. If a blend is involved, then the event will fire on the first frame of the blend
Public fieldm_CameraCutEvent
This event will fire whenever a virtual camera goes live and there is no blend
Public fieldm_CustomBlends
This is the asset which contains custom settings for specific blends.
Public fieldm_DefaultBlend
The blend which is used if you don't explicitly define a blend between two Virtual Cameras.
Public fieldm_IgnoreTimeScale
When enabled, the cameras will always respond in real-time to user input and damping, even if the game is running in slow motion
Public fieldm_ShowCameraFrustum
When enabled, shows the camera's frustum in the scene view.
Public fieldm_ShowDebugText
When enabled, the current camera and blend will be indicated in the game window, for debugging.
Public fieldm_UpdateMethod
Depending on how the target objects are animated, adjust the update method to minimize the potential jitter. Use FixedUpdate if all your targets are animated with for RigidBody animation. SmartUpdate will choose the best method for each virtual camera, depending on how the target is animated.
Public fieldm_WorldUpOverride
If set, this object's Y axis will define the worldspace Up vector for all the virtual cameras. This is useful in top-down game environments. If not set, Up is worldspace Y.
See Also