CameraState Structure


CameraState Structure

The output of the Cinemachine engine for a specific virtual camera. The information in this struct can be blended, and provides what is needed to calculate an appropriate camera position, orientation, and lens setting. Raw values are what the Cinemachine behaviours generate. The correction channel holds perturbations to the raw values - e.g. noise or smoothing, or obstacle avoidance corrections. Coirrections are not considered when making time-based calculations such as damping. The Final position and orientation is the comination of the raw values and their corrections.

Namespace:  Cinemachine
Assembly:  Cinemachine (in Cinemachine.dll) Version: (
public struct CameraState
JavaScript supports the use of structures, but not the declaration of new ones.

The CameraState type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCorrectedOrientation
Orientation with correction applied.
Public propertyCorrectedPosition
Position with correction applied.
Public propertyStatic memberDefault
State with default values
Public propertyFinalOrientation
Orientation with correction and dutch applied. This is what the final camera gets.
Public propertyFinalPosition
Position with correction applied. This is what the final camera gets.
Public propertyHasLookAt
Returns true if this state has a valid ReferenceLookAt value.
Public propertyLens
Camera Lens Settings.
Public propertyNumCustomBlendables
The number of custom blendables that will be applied to the camera. The base system manages but otherwise ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules
Public propertyOrientationCorrection
Orientation correction. This will be added to the raw orientation. This value doesn't get fed back into the system when calculating the next frame. Can be noise, or smoothing, or both, or something else.
Public propertyPositionCorrection
Position correction. This will be added to the raw position. This value doesn't get fed back into the system when calculating the next frame. Can be noise, or smoothing, or both, or something else.
Public propertyRawOrientation
Raw (un-corrected) world space orientation of this camera
Public propertyRawPosition
Raw (un-corrected) world space position of this camera
Public propertyReferenceLookAt
The world space focus point of the camera. What the camera wants to look at. There is a special constant define to represent "nothing". Be careful to check for that (or check the HasLookAt property).
Public propertyReferenceUp
Which way is up. World space unit vector.
Public propertyShotQuality
Subjective estimation of how "good" the shot is. Larger values mean better quality. Default is 1.
Public methodAddCustomBlendable
Add a custom blendable to the pot for eventual application to the camera. The base system manages but otherwise ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules
Public methodGetCustomBlendable
Get a custom blendable that will be applied to the camera. The base system manages but otherwise ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules
Public methodStatic memberLerp
Intelligently blend the contents of two states.
Public fieldStatic memberkNoPoint
This constant represents "no point in space" or "no direction".
See Also