CinemachineCore Methods


CinemachineCore Methods

The CinemachineCore type exposes the following members.

Public methodFindPotentialTargetBrain
Try to find a CinemachineBrain to associate with a Cinemachine Virtual Camera. The first CinemachineBrain in which this Cinemachine Virtual Camera is live will be used. If none, then the first active CinemachineBrain will be used. Brains with OutputCamera == null will not be returned. Final result may be null.
Public methodGenerateCameraActivationEvent
Signal that the virtual has been activated. If the camera is live, then all CinemachineBrains that are showing it will send an activation event.
Public methodGenerateCameraCutEvent
Signal that the virtual camera's content is discontinuous WRT the previous frame. If the camera is live, then all CinemachineBrains that are showing it will send a cut event.
Public methodGetActiveBrain
Access the array of active CinemachineBrains in the scene without gebnerating garbage
Public methodGetVcamUpdateStatus
Internal use only
Public methodGetVirtualCamera
Access the array of active ICinemachineCamera in the scene without gebnerating garbage
Public methodIsLive
Is this virtual camera currently actively controlling any Camera?
See Also