8 1 2 Adjusting the DC A1O Buffer Data Area

Installing LANSA on IBM i

8.1.2 Adjusting the DC@A1O Buffer/Data Area

The DC@A10 data area is an optional data area used by LANSA Open to buffer requested data.

When the IBM i receives a request to select records, and to save all the records selected pending transfer to the workstation, it uses this user space to hold the selected records.

By default, the size of this user space is 500,000 bytes. If you wish to allow larger requests or limit requests, specify the value in data area DC@A10.

For example, records are stored in this data area when an LceRequestSelect function is used with the *RECEIVEIMMED option not set, pending the receipt of the LceReceiveSelect function. Note that if the LceRequestSelect selects records which exceed the space specified, an error will occur.

The LANSA data areas are described in detail in the System Data Areas in the LANSA for i User Guide.