4 4 1 Change from QGPL to a LANSA Communications Library

Installing LANSA on IBM i

4.4.1 Change from QGPL to a LANSA Communications Library

To use a separate Communications Library instead of QGPL, use the following procedure to update your LANSA library structure:

Note: You should be an experienced LANSA user if you are performing these steps. They should NOT be carried out immediately before running a LANSA upgrade as you will need to test your changes thoroughly before running the upgrade as described in Step 7.

1.  BEFORE you upgrade your LANSA system, create the new LANSA Communications Library. You might name this library DCXCOMLIB (or use whatever name meets your site standards).

2.  Back up the DC*, LC*, LX*, W3*, GU*, JSM*, LWEB.DAT, LIBEX*, ZLIB4* and LANSA* objects in the QGPL library.

3.  Restore these backed up objects to your new DCXCOMLIB.

4.  Remove the DC*, LC*, LX*, W3*, GU*, JSM*, LWEB.DAT and LANSA* objects from the QGPL library.

5.  Remove loader objects (if there are any) left from a previous installation or upgrade. Refer to 4.4.2 Remove old Loader Objects from QGPL for details.

6.  Modify all LANSA related job descriptions, user profiles, sub-system descriptions, etc. so that the new DCXCOMLIB is included in the library list before QGPL. (You should leave QGPL in your library list in case there are other non-LANSA objects required by your jobs.)

7.  Change the Communications Library name in data area DCXLOADA01, position 12 using this command:

 CHGDTAARA dtaara(<pgmlib>/DCXLOADA01 (12 10)) VALUE(<comlib>)

8.  Change the CGI Library name in data area DCXLOADA02, position 21 using this command

 CHGDTAARA dtaara(<pgmlib>/DCXLOADA02 (21 10)) VALUE(<cgilib>) 

     If the CGI Library is the same as the COMLIB then use the COMLIB for the <cgilib> value.

     Note: Sometimes the CGI LIB is not the same as COMLIB.

9.  Test your LANSA system to ensure that it works with the new library. Be sure to check your developer and user profiles. Check all batch and interactive jobs. Remember to check any client/server jobs, including LANSA Client, LANSA SuperServer and Host Monitors for Visual LANSA. Test your LANSA for the Web applications. Check your LANSA for the Web Administrator and Editor. Keep checking for several days or even weeks to ensure that you have not missed any library list updates.

10. Once you have completed testing your LANSA systems using the new library structure, (and changed the library name in data area DCXLOADA01) you are ready to perform the upgrade.

11. If you are using LANSA for the Web, change your configuration to reference the new Communications Library (for example, DCXCOMLIB) instead of QGPL.

12.Other changes:

 CHGDTAARA dtaara(<pgmlib>/DCXLOADA02 (911 10)) VALUE(<comlib>)

 CHGDTAARA dtaara(<jsmlib>/JSMDRTEXT (11 10)) VALUE(<comlib>)

     Any other references to QGPL in these data areas must be changed to comlib.