7 2 Task Configure JSMDirect on an IBM i

Installing LANSA on IBM i

7.2 Task: Configure JSMDirect on an IBM i

If you intend to use the CGI program JSMDIRECT, then you will need to have the correct mapping in your HTTP server configuration.

If you have installed LANSA for the Web with your LANSA system, then the default HTTP configuration will already have the information for JSMDIRECT.

If you are using the IBM Original HTTP server your configuration should contain an entry as follows:

  Exec /cgi-bin/jsmdirect /QSYS.LIB/<jsmlib>.lib/JSMDIRECT.PGM %%BINARY%%

If you are using the IBM Apache HTTP server, your configuration should contain the following entries:

<Directory /QSYS.LIB/<jsmlib>.LIB>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From all
Options -ExecCGI