The IBM i Parameters 2

Installing LANSA on IBM i

The IBM i Parameters (2)

Except for the Listener - Connection Id, the defaults are formatted according to the options that you specified when selecting the components to install.


LANSA Root Directory

The LANSA directory used by all the LANSA objects that require the IFS. It is recommended that you do not change the default path. This directory will be created during Install process.

Development Language

The development language to be used with the LANSA for i system.

Product Owner

Specify the name of an existing IBM i user profile that will be the owner of this LANSA for i system. Objects subsequently created by LANSA for i on behalf of its users will also be owned by this Product Owner.

If a Product Owner is not specified, the default value, QOTHPRDOWN will be used. This profile will be automatically created if it does not already exist. Other profiles can only be nominated if you are signed on as QSECOFR or a QSECOFR group profile. QSECOFR should not be used. Refer to If not using QOTHPDOWN as the Product Owner for extra tasks after the install process is finished.

Partition Security Officer

Specify the name of an existing IBM i user who is to be the LANSA for i Partition Security Officer.

The default value is a user profile with the same name as the LANSA Program Library, for example DCXPGMLIB. If this default profile does not exist it will be automatically created.

The LANSA for i Partition Security Officer does not have to be the same as the IBM i Security Officer (QSECOFR). A user nominated as the LANSA for i Partition Security Officer has no special authority outside the LANSA system.

If using an existing profile, the library list must be changed to reflect the new libraries.

Job Description

This is the job description used by LANSA.

Auxiliary Storage Pool

If you wish to install into an auxiliary storage pool other than 1, change this value to a valid number supported by your operating system.

Listener - Subsystem

This is the sub-system where the Listener jobs run. This name is stored in the LANSA program library.

Listener - Job Description

The job description used by LANSA. Job descriptions are a native part of the IBM i operating system and are required whenever a batch job is submitted. Refer to the IBM manuals for more details. This job description is placed in the program library.

Listener - Job Queue

Job queues are a native part of the IBM i operating system and all batch jobs are to be submitted onto a job queue. Refer to the IBM manuals for more details. This job queue is placed in the program library.

Listener - Connection Id

The port number that will be used to connect the Listener.


Press Enter to confirm the information.

If you have selected The Complete Web component, go to LANSA for the Web - Parameters.

If you have also selected other software components, then return to 3.2.3 Select Software Components
otherwise go to Partition Initialization .