8 2 Task LANSA Client Setup on IBM i

Installing LANSA on IBM i

8.2 Task: LANSA Client Setup on IBM i

LANSA Client is LANSA's end user query and reporting tool which executes under Windows to access the repository that resides on the IBM i.

Before you can run LANSA Client, you must have:

  • LANSA for i software loaded on the IBM i.
  • A LANSA Client license installed on the IBM i.
  • Specific LANSA Client components installed in each partition which LANSA Client will be using.
  • LANSA Client software installed on the workstation.

The installation of these components is described in the LANSA Client Guide.

LANSA Client is supplied with a Tutorial that gives a step-by-step introduction to the LANSA Client features. For details of installing the partition and files, refer to the LANSA Client Guide:


To see LANSA Client running against a pre-existing set of files, you can install the client side software and immediately run LANSA Client against the Personnel System file supplied. It contains the fields, files, processes and functions to run a mini Personnel System.