4 1 5 Select the LANSA system to be upgraded

Installing LANSA on IBM i

4.1.5 Select the LANSA system to be upgraded

1.  After you have selected the upgrade option, the Select the required Components screen will appear.

     A list of all the LANSA Components, their versions, Libraries and System Owners that you currently have installed on your IBM i is displayed.

2.  Press Page Down to view a second page, if applicable.

3.  Enter "2" to select the LANSA Component(s) that you wish to upgrade.


You may select only one LANSA for i system to upgrade. To upgrade another LANSA for i system, you must execute the upgrade again. 

If the LANSA for i system includes LANSA for the Web components, the LANSA for the Web components are automatically upgraded. (The LANSA for the Web components are not listed separately on the Select the required Components screen.)

When upgrading a LANSA for i system, you may also upgrade any combination of LANSA for i, LANSA Integrator and Open System Utilities - provided they are listed.

If you are using a Multi-tier LANSA for the Web installation, you must only upgrade the LANSA for the Web Server by itself. Updating a Web server is described in 4.2 Task: Upgrade an Existing LANSA for the Web - Web Server ONLY on IBM i.

If LANSA Integrator was originally installed at the same time as LANSA was installed, LANSA integrator will be automatically selected for upgrade.

A LANSA root directory will be created and the upgrade will move existing LANSA Communication objects to the new directory.

Note: When LANSA Integrator or a Web Server are selected alone, Partition Initialization will be bypassed as it is not required.

After completing your selections, press Enter to continue.

Error messages will be displayed if:

  • Anyone is still using the LANSA system
  • An error is found with the parameters the upgrade will use.