6 5 5 Modifying Multi tier IBM i LANSA for the Web User Information

Installing LANSA on IBM i

6.5.5 Modifying Multi-tier IBM i LANSA for the Web User Information

On the Web Server, in multi-tier situations where the Administrator is not available to modify the user information, you will use the program, W3@P2300 to do the modifications.

At the same time, as calling W3@P2300, you can call W3@P2301 to update an IBM i validation list for the IBM HTTP Server for the IBM i. This allows you to maintain the Web user profiles as well as the mapping between Web and IBM i user profiles.

Alternatively, you can write a CL program that calls the user configuration functions provided by the Web serving product.

The first parameter to the W3@P2300 program is the action you request. Depending on the action parameters, the other parameters differ.

Refer to the following:

Add a New User Profile

Modify Existing User Information

Delete an Existing User Profile