3 13 Run a Query

LANSA Client

3.13 Run a Query

When you run or execute a query, LANSA Client uses the query's definition to retrieve the required data from the host. If you are running a query created with a Crystal Report version prior to Crystal Reports XI, you may encounter a problem related to the data's location. Refer to Troubleshooting - Crystal Reports for the steps required to fix the problem.

You do not have to open a query to run it.

To execute an open query from the Query window:

  • Select the Execute command from the Query menu or use the toolbar icon.

To execute a query which is not open:

  • Select the Run command from the File menu or use the icon on the tool bar


  • Select the required query from the browse list in the Execute Query dialog box.

When you select a query in the browse list, the query's descriptive name and file name are displayed in the Query Description and File Name boxes at the top of the dialog box.

Select the OK button or press the Enter key to run the query otherwise select another query or select the Cancel button or press the Esc key.

While the query is running the Status Bar will provide you with a status of your query.

Further Information

Ý 3. Create and Run Queries