4 11 Edit Insert Delete Facilities

LANSA Client

4.11 Edit/Insert/Delete Facilities

LANSA Client provides an editing facility which is extremely cost effective because:

  • the file definitions, all the data validations, business rules and the associated error messages are defined just once in the LANSA Repository.
  • there are no validations or instructions to be recorded with LANSA Client on each PC.
  • LANSA Client automatically generates an entry window to match the data to be edited. This gives you complete data entry screens with absolutely no programming effort required.

You can edit an existing row of data, insert a new row of data or delete a row of data from the Results window.

This editing facility can be put to many different uses. Some of these are:

  • to create and amend test data.
  • to create mini-applications very quickly, perhaps to record the results of a customer survey.
  • to allow employees to update their own employment records. This could be limited to a specific period, perhaps twice a year.
  • to allow managers to record appraisal results. If this only occurs periodically, the cost of developing a fully fledged system may not be justified.

Updating data on the host is very safe using LANSA Client's editing facility:

  • because all the business rules and triggers are defined in the LANSA Repository. LANSA Client does not allow anyone to make changes which violate these rules.
  • if errors are found in the data, it will be rejected and the appropriate error messages will be displayed from the LANSA Repository.
  • before data is accepted, the LANSA Repository determines if the user has the appropriate authority to edit the data.

The editing facility cannot be used when:

  • grouping conditions have been applied to the results.
  • the query includes more than one file.
  • the Allow Inserts/Updates option has not been enabled using the LANSA Client Administrator.
  • editing has not been authorized using the Output Options command.

Note:The Edit Row dialog will only allow you to edit up to 32767 characters per field. If a field is longer than 32767 characters, the entry box for the field will be set to read only.

Note: When you wish to, set SQLNULL value to an RDMLX field with an ASQN input attribute. You must type '*SQLNULL as the field value.

Further Information

4.11.1 Edit Data

4.11.2 Insert Data

4.11.3 Delete Data

Ý 4. Work with Query Results