8.4 Layout Weblets
Layout weblets provide the basic HTML page structure (head, title, body, etc.) needed by all HTML pages. They also provide standard resources required by all webroutines (scripts, styles, hidden fields, etc.) and standard layout elements commonly used on web pages (headers, footers, content areas, sidebars, etc.)
Layout weblets are the base of WAM layouts. They provide a common interface across a WAM or even a complete web application. Typically layouts provide a consistent look and feel to the application by implementing menus, color schemes, message handling, images, logos, trademark information etc.
By default a WAM will use a single WAM layout across all generated webroutines. To share common layout features you can either use the same site layout (refer to How do I Create my Own Site Layout? for further information) for your whole application or base your WAM layouts on a common layout weblet. The generated WAM layout will share the common layout features from your site layout or common layout weblet and may then be customized for specific WAM requirements. Refer to WAM Layouts and Layout Weblets for further information.
The Layout Weblet group includes the standard layout weblets shipped with LANSA. WAM Layouts, which follow the naming convention <WAMname>_layout, will, by default, be included in a different group, WAM Layouts.
Never modify these shipped layouts. If you wish to create a variation, create a copy and change the copy.