Step 3 Create iiiSecAdd Add Section WAM


Step 3. Create iiiSecAdd - Add Section WAM

WAM050 – A Section Maintenance Application

This simple logic could be incorporated into WAM iiiSecMaint, however, you will instead create a new WAM to illustrate building a multi-WAM application.

1.  Review the following web page:

  • The AutoComplete weblet will support the department code input field
  • All other fields will be entered
  • A New button will be added to the Begin page for iiiSecMaint to call iiiSecAdd.
  • The Add Section WAM will return to Section Maintenance Begin WebRoutine when a section is successfully added.
  • Section Maintenance Begin WebRoutine will then list the sections for the department for which a section was added.
  • 2.  Create a new WAM iiiSecAdd– Add Section using Layout Weblet iiilay01. Consider what common definitions and logic you could copy from iiiSecMaint. What WEB_MAPs will be required in the 'AddSect' WebRoutine?

    3.  Create a basic outline for your WAM based on the following pseudo code

    Define a work field DEPT_IN based on DEPTMENTDefine a Group_by of all fields for the Section table. All fields should be input capableMap field STDRENTRY for *both, as a *hidden field
  • Define a WebRoutine "AddSect"
  • Map field DEPT_IN for *bothMap group_by for Section fields for *both, all fields should be input capable. DEPTMENT should be a hidden fieldEnd routine

         Your code should now look like this:

    Function Options(*DIRECT)
    Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WAM) Layoutweblet('iiilay01')
    Define #DEPT_IN Reffld(#DEPTMENT)
    Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields((#STDRENTRY *HIDDEN))
    WebRoutine Name(AddSect) Desc('Add Section')
    Web_Map For(*BOTH) Fields(#Dept_In #SECT_DETL)
    * ----------------------------
    * Add section logic goes here
    * ----------------------------