


[Optional] Bar width, in pixels. Enter 'spaceBetweenBars' and 'spaceBetweenGroups' also in absolute values, in pixels. Bars can be clipped if the chart isn't wide enough. Use 'auto-absolute' or 'auto-relative' to have bars resized so that all bars will fit in the chart.

Absolute values: Values are given in absolute units (or default absolute values, if not specified). Bars will be resized so that all bars will fit in the chart

Relative values:  Values are given in relative units (or default relative values, if not specified) Relative units are floating point values compared to the bar width, where the bar width is 1.0: for example, 0.5 is half the bar width, 2.0 is twice the bar width. Bars can be clipped if the chart isn't wide enough.

Default value

23 pixels (absolute value)

Valid values

Numeric value (in pixels) or 'auto-absolute' or 'auto-relative'