Before You Begin
- The LANSA for the Web WAM technology is an extension of the LANSA development environment. If you have Repository and RDML/RDMLX skills, you can apply them to building Web-based applications.
- Before any development efforts begin, you must have a properly installed and configured LANSA for the Web system that supports the WAM technology.
- You will need a properly configured Web Server and a properly configured LANSA Application/Data Server.
- Your development system must have Internet Explorer 6.0 or later and MSXML Core Services 6.0 XML Parser. The MSXML parser is installed during the Visual LANSA install.
- For details about the installation and configuration of LANSA for the Web, refer to the .
- If you are using WAMs for the very first time, we recommended that you read An Introduction to WAMs which will give you an outline of all the components of WAMs and WAMs Deconstructed, which will give you a more in-depth understanding of the WAM components. We also recommend that you complete the WAM Tutorials. For information about the WAM tutorials refer to WAM Tutorials.
- Weblets are shipped with the software to provide wizards or building blocks that facilitate the rapid development of HTML browser-based applications. To create your own Weblets, or complex HTML pages, you will need XSL, HTML and JavaScript skills.
- The XSL used for transformation of the XML WEBROUTINE document conforms to the standard W3C XSL 1.0 specification. Refer to XSL 1.0 references for information.