WAM095 LOB Data Types and Stream Files


WAM095 - LOB Data Types and Stream Files


  • To demonstrate how to develop a WAM with a WebRoutine, that uses the Response() parameter to output a file to the browser.

In order to complete these objectives, you will follow one of two paths:

1.  If you are using the VLF application and DXDOCS file for employee documents you should do the following:

Step 1. Install Required Documents

Step 2. Set up Documents for an Employee

Step 3. Create WAM to Display Employee Documents

Step 4. Enhance Appearance of  the Documents List  (Optional)

Step 5. Set up the Documents List

Step 6. Test your Enhanced WAM


2.  If you are NOT using the VLF application and DXDOCS file you carry out these steps:

Step 1. Install Required Documents

Step 3a. Create WAM to Display Employee Documents

Step 4. Enhance Appearance of  the Documents List  (Optional)

Step 5a. Set up the Documents List

Step 6. Test your Enhanced WAM


Before You Begin

WAMs allow you to serve stream files that:

  • You don't want to store on your Web server
  • Documents whose contents are stored in your application data base.
  • Documents that are created on demand.

You can serve the contents of LOB data types (BLOBs and CLOBs) and stream files located in your Application Server with special WebRoutines.

The WebRoutine can contain RDMLX code to create the contents of the file or determine which file to send. The only requirement is that you set the ContentFile to the file name that you want to serve.