


Specifies the format or mask used to display and enter the time for the weblet. This is a string containing a number of format specifiers that tell the weblet how to format the time.

Valid formatspecifiers are:

Format Specifier



Represents the hour as a number from 0 through 23, that is, the hour as represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight. A single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero.


Represents the hour as a number from 0 through 23, that is, the hour as represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight.


Represents the hour as a number from 1 through 12, that is, the hour as represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon. A single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero.


Represents the hour as a number from 1 through 12, that is, the hour as represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon.


Represents the minute as a number from 0 through 59. A single-digit minute is formatted with a leading zero.


Represents the minute as a number from 0 through 59.


Represents the seconds as a number from 00 through 59. A single-digit second is formatted with a leading zero.


Represents the seconds as a number from 00 through 59.


Represents the milliseconds as a number from 000 through 999 All values are represented as three digits.


Represents A.M. or P.M.



Note: This specifies the presentation format the weblet uses. The input and output date received from and returned to the webroutine are always in ISO format. If you choose a different presentation format by setting this property, the weblet will convert to and from the internal representation as required.

Default value


Valid values

Any string containing valid format specifiers