WAM030 - Employee Enquiry
Important Observations
- The WEB_MAP statement allows you to specify which incoming and outgoing fields the WebRoutine maps between the web page and the WebRoutine. The WEB_MAP statement's FOR() selector specifies whether the fields are mapped as an incoming (*INPUT), outgoing (*OUTPUT), or both (*BOTH).
- Only fields in a WEB_MAP statement with a FOR(*OUTPUT) or FOR(*BOTH) can be placed on the web page.
- Acceptable field attributes are *INPUT and *OUTPUT (also *in and *out). If unspecified, the default is *INPUT. These attributes determine whether the field accepts input, as input text box, or only displays output.
- You can open a WebRoutine in the
icon in the RDMLX source
view using the
- You can drag and drop fields and lists marked FOR(*OUTPUT) or FOR(*BOTH) onto your page at any time from the
Tips & Techniques
- Weblet properties can be assigned string literals or XPath expressions. The XSL processor then evaluates the XPath expression. XPath expressions accept general logical comparison operators <, >, != <=, >= etc., as well as mathematical operators *,/,+,- etc.
For a quick reference to XPath see:
For a more detailed reference, see
- With the WAM open in the editor, you can compile from the ribbon or open the dialog from the button on the group on the ribbon.
- You can also use a context menu by selecting a WAM in the tab or tab.
- For a new WebRoutine, it is not necessary to do a compile to generate the XSL, since a
Build also generates the XML / XSL, but without doing a full compile.
- Note: XSL can be generated for a using the context menu option, in the LANSA Editor.
What I Should Know
- How to create a simple enquiry WAM.
- How to open the view for a specific WebRoutine.
- What is generated by a WAM compile.
- A WAM may contain more than one WebRoutine
- A WebRoutine name may be up to 20 characters long.
- There is one WAM layout generated for each WAM with the name xxx_layout, where xxx = the WAM name.
- By default, fields are visualized as a label and edit box
- Fields are displayed in a table
- A WebRoutine may be called by a weblet such as a push button, via its on_click_wrname property.
- Field names or a group_by may be used to define fields in a web_map.