8.1.26 Radio Button (std_rad_button)
The radio button weblet displays a single radio button. It broadly corresponds to the <input type="radio"> HTML element.
Radio buttons are typically grouped as two or more radio buttons for mutually exclusive selection. In other words, you can choose only one of several options—like a multiple-choice question. It looks like this:
but is typically grouped to look more like this:
You may choose to use this weblet instead of the std_radbuttons weblet which is implemented as a group of radio buttons, if you want to store the resulting selections in different fields.
The radio button weblet includes properties such as on_click_wrname that allow it to navigate to another webroutine when clicked It is not good user-interface design to initiate actions on the click of a radio button Devices such as a push button, menu item or anchor (hyperlink) should be used to accomplish this.