Step 3 Make the Sections Dropdown list dynamic


Step 3. Make the Sections Dropdown list dynamic

WAM040 - Add dropdown lists for Department and Section

In this step you will define a new response WebRoutine which the AJAX enabled Dynamic Select box for sections will invoke.

1.  Select the Source tab.

2.  Create a new response WebRoutine, that will be invoked by the sections dynamic select box when DEPTMENT changes. The requirements for this WebRoutine are:

  • The WebRoutine statement must have a Response() keyword with a value of *JSON
  • A web_map for input, field DEPTMENT
  • A web_map for output of the list SectDD, defined as a *JSON list
  • Invoke the buildDD2 method routine passing DEPTMENT and SECTION
  • Your code should look like the following:

    WebRoutine Name(USectDD) Response(*JSON)
    Web_Map For(*input) Fields(#deptment)
    Web_Map For(*output) Fields((#sectdd *JSON))
    #com_owner.buildDD2 I_Dept(#deptment) I_Sect(#section)

    3.  Compile your WAM.

    4.  Open WebRoutine Details in the Design view.

    5.  Select the Section's dynamic select box and set up additional properties as follows:






    Field: DEPTMENT
    Field Value: DEPTMENT


    6.  Set the updateFieldsToSubmit property by selecting the Value column and clicking on the Ellipsis button to open the Design of… property's dialog.

    a.  Select a field Name of DEPTMENT

    b.  For Value, enter DEPTMENT.

    c.  Select the Field radio button.

    7.  Click OK to close the dialog.

    8     Save your WAM.

    9.  Test your WAM by running the Begin webroutine. You should now be able to select a new department and notice that the sections dropdown list is refreshed.

         In a later exercise, you will learn more about using the dynamic select box weblet.