


An XML nodeset specifying the items to appear in the weblet. Can only be set by the designer. To invoke the designer use the ellipse button in the property sheet. Leave blank if items are populated from a list specified in the listname property.

Default value

document(")/*/lxml:data/lxml:dropdown (this indicates no items have been defined for this dropdown.)

Valid values

Not Applicable. (This value is system maintained.) To invoke the designer use the ellipse button in the property sheet.


This example indicates that items have been setup in the designer to use as dropdown values.

Using the ellipse button on the property you will see the designer and be able to maintain the items to be displayed as radio buttons. The following view of the designer indicates two radio buttons are required in the radio group. The first entry has the literal value 'MONDAY' and the second entry uses a multilingual variable to display the description for the code TUE. Check the Default Item check box for the item which is to be selected if no value is preselected.