1 7 1 LANSA Web Mobile Application


1.7.1 LANSA Web Mobile Application

This wizard generates a totally customisable jQuery Mobile WAM. Depending on your answers, the generated WAM will include one or more of the following:

  • A Sampler webpage containing all the controls available to users. This page is for the whole application.
  • A user defined Webpage using one or more of the following:
  • Heading
  • Text Block
  • Image
  • Form elements. This element contains a collection of popular form controls.
  • Link
  • List view. This control can contain one or more of the following:

    - List Data, which is data dynamically loaded from RDML. There is only one list data per list. If you add another list control then you can specifiy another List Data.

    - Divider

    - Static Menu Item, which will link to one of the previously created webpages.


    Ý1.7 WAM Wizards