How the Default CSS Works


How the Default CSS Works

Without any CSS, the Tab Pages HTML will produce this result (table border added for clarity):

To start, you need to remove the list-style and margins from the UL tag:



     list-style-type: none;

     margin: 0px;


Next you'll add some borders and background colors to the LI tags, use float:left to distribute them horizontally and apply a margin to separate them:

ul.std_tab_pages_tabs li


     border: 1px solid #7db0e5;

     background-color: #e2effa;

     color: black;

     white-space: nowrap;

     display: block;

     float: left;

     margin-right: 2px;


Finally, add a border around the content area:



     border: 1px solid #7db0e5;

     padding: 2px;


Your table and list should now looks like this:

Next, put a little spacing around the tab text and change the background color of the selected tab. You also need to remove the bottom border from the selected tab and extend the tab vertically to fill the space by increasing its bottom padding. (It is done this way because Internet Explorer draws the left and right borders unevenly if you try to change the color of the bottom border):

ul.std_tab_pages_tabs li a


     display: block;

     padding: 3px;

     text-decoration: none;

     font-weight: bold;


ul.std_tab_pages_tabs li.std_tab_active


     background-color: white;

     color: black;

     border-bottom: none;

     padding-bottom: 1px;



Finally you need to move the tabs down by the border width so that their bottom borders overlap the border of the content area. You can do this by making the table cell containing the tabs relatively positioned and shifting it down by the width of the border:



     position: relative;

     top: 1px;



This cell shifting technique only works in Internet Explorer. In Firefox and Opera you need to move the UL block down by the border width (which does not work in IE):



     position: relative;

     top: 1px;



The end result is this:

Some of the styles used only apply to tabs positioned along the top of the content area so you need to create some more styles with more specific selectors to ensure the properties are only applied to top aligned tabs:

.std_tab_pages_top_tabs ul


     position: relative;

     top: 1px;


.std_tab_pages_top_tabs ul li.std_tab_active


     border-bottom: none;

     padding-bottom: 1px;
