WAM090 - Using a List Row Weblet
Important Observations
- Lists may be presented in any format by making use of the ability to create your own weblets. This will require good HTML knowledge and a working knowledge of XSLT.
- With some modifications the example given here could be used as part of a shopping application.
- Later exercises will cover creating your own simple weblet.
- Once you have completed and , you should review the List Row weblet provided for this exercise. Although it is reasonably complex, once you understand the structure of weblets, you should be able to follow its logic by examining its different sections.
Tips & Techniques
- Lists can also be formatting as a single row. This is useful way to present a variable number of options
What You Should Know
- Custom weblets provide a highly flexible way to enhance the user interface of your web applications. Although the investment in creating and testing a custom weblet may be quite high, as a reusable component, it will pay off many times and simplify work for other developers.