8 1 14 List Paging Images std_list_images and List Paging Buttons std_list_buttons


8.1.14 List Paging Images (std_list_images) and List Paging Buttons (std_list_buttons)

QuickStart - List Paging Images & List Paging Buttons

Properties - List Paging Images & List Paging Buttons

The List Paging Images weblet includes three images for navigating to the previous page, next page and starting a new search. This weblet is designed to be included before or after a list visualization with supporting logic for page at a time processing of list information.

The appearance of the Previous and Next images can be conditioned.

The weblet looks like this:

and is usually implemented something like this:

The List Paging Buttons weblet is similar but uses push buttons instead of images for navigation.