7.6.2 Field weblet visualization
You can define the weblet visualization of a field so that when a field is included in a web_map, the generated page automatically uses the weblet defined in field visualization. You can define the weblet visualization for each Technology Service:
Begin_Com Role(*Weblet 'std_datetimepicker.std_datetimepicker') Name(#WebletTemplate) Defaultweblet(True)
Begin_Com Role(*Weblet 'std_mobiscroll.std_mobiscroll') Name(#WebletTemplate2) Defaultweblet(LANSA.JQMOBILE)
You can further customize your field weblet visualization without the neee to create custom weblets for different fields by defining default properties for the weblets. This way, you can create weblets that can be customized via properties instead of creating separate weblets:
Begin_Com Role(*Weblet 'std_input.std_input') Name(#WebletTemplateJQMOBILE) Defaultweblet(LANSA.JQMOBILE) Default_Type('''email''')