7 2 TSML Document Structure


7.2 TSML Document Structure

The Technology Service Markup Language (TSML) document is produced by Visual LANSA. It describes the fields and lists mapped (defined in WEB_MAPS) in the WebRoutine, has context information from the WAM and stores values from the existing LXML document (which will be replaced) so they can be retained in the new XML/XSL to be generated. Its structure is very similar to the LXML document (which can be viewed in the XML tab of the Web Design in the LANSA Editor), but with additional meta-data used to create the XSL stylesheet.

The TSML document is divided into the following sections:

Technology Service List

Used by Generation to determine how many XSL exist for a given Technology Service. If there is only XSL (for the default language) and the WebRoutine XSL is regenerated, then tsml nodes from the document about to be replaced can be safely removed.

Server Instructions

These instructions are mapped directly into the LXML document. These elements are used by the WAM runtime to prepare the HTTP response.

Weblets Section

Lists the weblets used for visualization by the tsml:field and tsml:list columns referenced in the WebRoutine. The weblets list the parameters for template calls used by each Technology Service.

LXML Data Section

Lists content that will map into LXML data islands in XSL stylesheets. For example, it lists picklist entries for dropdowns.

Replaced-LXML Section

This section contains the portions of the current LXML document (to be replaced by regeneration) that have values that should be retained. Currently this section includes cookies, sample messages, field captions and sample values, list captions and sample values and TSML data islands.

Context Section

This section in the TSML document contains contextual information about the WebRoutine. Items such as WAM name, WebRoutine name, WebRoutine title are available here. Note: Not all the context items map into context lxml:items. Some are used only during generation. For example, the tsml:layout-name item names the layout weblet to import in the XSL stylesheet.

Options Section

The options section contains various options that may be modified for a WebRoutine that may determine whether particular validation or presentation functionality is enabled.

Messages Section

Maps into the LXML document messages section.

Fields Section

The fields section contains fields that appear as outgoing fields in WEB_MAP statements in the WebRoutine. These are the fields that appear in the field list in the LXML document. In addition to the caption and value elements, the tsml:field has meta-data content such as display size, input-case and weblet visualization (if available).

Lists Section

The lists section contains lists that appear as outgoing lists in WEB_MAP statements in the WebRoutine. These are the lists that appear in the LXML document. In addition to the column caption and value elements, the tsml:column has the same meta-data content as the tsml:field element.

The LANSA Editor uses the WebRoutine TSP stylesheet to create XSL for fields and lists. If your Technology Service is editable by the LANSA Editor, your templates to create fields and lists must follow the pattern used in the TSP stylesheets provided by LANSA.