WEB004 LANSA Generated HTML Pages

LANSA Web Functions

WEB004 - LANSA Generated HTML Pages


  • To execute the Web Function Editor and review some of the basic Editor features.
  • To learn how to identify the LANSA generated HTML pages.
  • To review the HTML pages created for the iiiFN05 Request Department function. The HTML will be manually edited and the function will be recompiled to show how versions and the Web Function Editor's Compare and Contrast features work.
  • To become familiar with the default (page components) and HTML documents generated by LANSA.

The focus of this tutorial is NOT the HTML code generated or the RDML tags used by LANSA. You will review the use of LANSA tags in an upcoming exercise.

To achieve these objectives, you complete the following steps:

Before You Begin

You may wish to review these topics and all their related sections:

In order to complete the tutorials, you should have completed the following:

It is very important that you have configured LANSA for the Web to allow for automatic backup of the generated HTML pages. Use the LANSA for the Web Administrator to check these Data/Application Server settings.