6 4 Customizing Process Specific Pages

LANSA Web Functions

6.4 Customizing Process Specific Pages

LANSA Web functions allow you to customize any of the default pages to be process specific. Whenever LANSA encounters a request to use a default page, it will search for a process specific version of the page. If the process specific page is found, it will automatically be used. If it cannot find a process specific page, it will then use the default page.

To create a process specific page, use the following naming convention:

      <process name>_<page identifier>

where <process name> is the name of the LANSA process and <page identifier> is the name of the 'default' page you want to customize for the process.

For example, if you want to customize a process specific Script page for the PSLSYS process, you would create a page named PSLSYS_SCRIPT.

From time to time, LANSA may amend the default pages, either during an upgrade or via an EPC (Expedited Program Change).
If such a change occurs, you must ensure that this change is reflected in all process specific pages that you have created.


Examples of shipped DEFAULT pages which can be customized:

DEFAULT_CONTENT       Default Process Content 

DEFAULT_FRAMESET      Default Frameset 

DEFAULT_HIDDEN        Default Hidden fields 

DEFAULT_INDEX         Default Process Menu page 

DEFAULT_LAYOUT        Default Layout 

DEFAULT_SCRIPT        Default Script Page 


If a process is called PAYROLL, the process specific default pages would be created as:

PAYROLL_CONTENT       Default Process Content 

PAYROLL_FRAMESET      Default Frameset 

PAYROLL_HIDDEN        Default Hidden fields 

PAYROLL_INDEX         Default Process Menu page 

PAYROLL_LAYOUT        Default Layout 

PAYROLL_SCRIPT        Default Script Page 


If you want to append additional lines to the default page for a specific process, you can do this by using the <RDML PAGE> tag. For more details, refer to <RDML PAGE>.

Caution: When exporting a web enabled function, process pages with the above naming convention for the associated process are also exported. For example, a function in process PAYROLL when exported will export all HTML pages for the function and all HTML pages starting with the characters 'PAYROLL_'. Therefore, ensure that you do not create HTML pages that follow this naming convention that conflict with the name of a process.


All process specific pages are automatically exported with the LANSA process definition. These pages do not have to be registered as Web components.



WEB005 - LANSA Process Pages