LANSA Web Functions



<RDML ONMODE="<mode>">




These tags are generated when you compile your functions that may have more than one mode of operation for a particular screen display. These tags instruct LANSA to carry out various screen instructions (the lines encapsulated by these tags) based on the current mode of operation.

The valid values for <mode> are:

  • ADD  -  Add
  • CHG  -  Change
  • DLT  -  Delete
  • DSP  -  Display

These tags are used internally by LANSA Web functions. You should not modify these tags.



The ONMODE tags are used in the HTML generated for a LANSA Web function when there is more than one mode of operation for a particular screen display. For example, an RDML DISPLAY statement may have ADD, CHANGE, DELETE and DISPLAY modes.

Consider the following example:

<h2>Employee Number: </h2>


<input type="text" name="EMPNO" size="5" value="" />





If the DISPLAY is in an ADD mode, the user will be expected to enter a value for EMPNO so the following HTML is sent to the user's browser:

 <input type="text" name="EMPNO" size="5" value="" />

but when information is only being displayed to the user, the following instruction is used:


which simply displays EMPNO as an output field in the user's browser.